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Sven Vogel edited this page 2023-11-21 14:28:40 +00:00

Welcome to the Wiki.

This repository is dedicated to the exams written whilest studing at DHW Mannheim in Germany. This template is can be used to write every exams from T3_1000 to the Bechalor. It includes not only the bare minimum of pages and content. For example the gender disclaimer its not necessary to have but nevertheless included for completeness.



Must have

This template requires a view different programs to be installed and available. Core programs and libraries are:

  • TexLive (lualatex xelatex can be used alternative by modifying .latexmkrc, but this is not tested)
  • latexmk commonly bundled with TexLive


  • python with pygments package for syntax highlighting with minted


Snippets & Examples

Examples and LaTeX snippets which extend this template (and work well with it) can be found here