- RTX-GYTEBOT is a free open source project made for educational purpose only.
- I, Sven Vogel, the author of this project did not want this program or any of its resources to be given to any third-party person.
- Any of the provided source code or resources can be used for private purposes, but nor for commercial ones.
- Further instructions about the usage of individual resources are provided in the Licences section down below.
- author:Sven Vogel
- date: 04.01.2021
- project: RTX-GYTEBOT
- RTX-GYTEBOT is small project that aimed at bringing a programmable, object oriented robot simulator to life.
- Thereby using OpenGL to render a 3D preview scene, instead of giving some lame and hard to read console output.
- Several inbuilt editors are available to control and manipulate the world the robot spawns in.
- These are primarily a map editor which gives you control about where what is placed initially in the world.
- Additionally a code editor is used to directly program the robot in Java.
- The soure code is fully documented with plenty of javadocs and inline comments.