# Gytebot 100% Zimbelcode-free! This project was developed as a school project. The name abbreviates from "Gyte" which stands for the school GYmnasium TEchnik and "bot". The goal was to create a bot that can be programmed to travel around and collect coins. # Pictures |Startup-Screen|Screenshot| |-|-| |![](https://git.montehaselino.de/servostar/gytebot/raw/branch/main/images/f58061056.png)|![](https://git.montehaselino.de/servostar/gytebot/raw/branch/main/images/f58063872.jpg)| ## Issues currently under linux the project can be build but upon executing a program in the GUI it will crash. This is likely due to an error occuring in Java Swing in the background which gets picked up by GLFW.