
97 lines
2.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-02-23 18:23:02 +00:00
return {
vim = {
swapfile = false, -- disable swap files cuz they are garbage
clipboard = "unnamedplus", -- Sync with system clipboard
expandtab = true, -- spaces instead of tabs
shiftwidth = 4, -- tab width in spaces
tabstop = 4, -- Number of spaces tabs count for
completeopt = "menu,menuone,noselect",
confirm = true, -- Confirm to save changes before exiting modified buffer
cursorline = true, -- Enable highlighting of the current line
ignorecase = true, -- Ignore case
mouse = "a", -- Enable mouse mode
number = true, -- Print line number
pumblend = 0, -- Popup pseudo transparency
2024-03-01 17:57:06 +00:00
pumheight = 12, -- Popup height
2024-02-23 18:23:02 +00:00
showmode = false, -- Dont show mode since we have a statusline
smartindent = true, -- Insert indents automatically
termguicolors = true, -- True color support
virtualedit = "block", -- Allow cursor to move where there is no text in visual block mode
wrap = false,
2024-02-25 17:12:48 +00:00
foldcolumn = '1',
foldlevel = 99,
foldlevelstart = 99,
foldenable = true,
fillchars = {
foldopen = "",
foldclose = "",
fold = " ",
foldsep = " ",
diff = "",
eob = " ",
2024-03-01 17:57:06 +00:00
horiz = '',
horizup = '',
horizdown = '',
vert = '',
vertleft = '',
vertright = '',
verthoriz = '',
mousemoveevent = true,
laststatus = 3, -- global statusline
2024-02-23 18:23:02 +00:00
ui = {
theme = "vscode",
border = "rounded",
popup = {
width = 0.6,
height = 0.8
lsp = {
icons = {
Error = "",
Warn = "",
Hint = "",
Info = "",
git = {
icons = {
add = "",
change = "",
delete = "",
topdelete = "",
changedelete = "",
untracked = ""
lazy = {
install_missing = true,
icons = {
cmd = "",
config = "",
event = "",
ft = "",
init = "",
import = "",
keys = "",
lazy = "󰒲 ",
loaded = "",
not_loaded = "",
plugin = "",
runtime = "",
require = "󰢱 ",
source = "",
start = "",
task = "",
list = {