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# Author: Sven Vogel
# Edited: 25.05.2024
# License: GPL-2.0
# ,----------------------------------------.
# | Generic Input/Output |
# `----------------------------------------`
import "def.gem"
# platform specific handle to an I/O device
# can a file, buffer, window or something else
# NOTE: this reference is not meant to be dereferenced
# which can lead to errors and undefined behavior
type ptr: handle
# Returns a handle to this processes standard input I/O handle
# -- Implementation note
# On Linux this will return 0 as is it convention under UNIX (see:
# On Windows the library will call `GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)`
fun getStdinHandle(out handle: stdin)
# Returns a handle to this processes standard input I/O handle
# -- Implementation note
# On Linux this will return 1 as is it convention under UNIX (see:
# On Windows the library will call `GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)`
fun getStdoutHandle(out handle: stdout)
# Returns a handle to this processes standard input I/O handle
# -- Implementation note
# On Linux this will return 1 as is it convention under UNIX (see:
# On Windows the library will call `GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)`
fun getStderrHandle(out handle: stderr)
# Write `len` number of bytes from `buf` into the I/O resource specified
# by `dev`. Returns the number of bytes written.
# -- Implementation note
# On Linux this will use the syscall write
# On Windows this will use the WriteFile function
fun writeBytes(in handle: dev, in ref u8: buf, in ref u32: len)(out u32: written)
# Read atmost `len` bytes to `buf` from the I/O resource specified by `dev`
# Returns the number of read bytes in `written`
# -- Implementation note
# On Linux this will use the syscall read
# On Windows this will use the ReadFile function
fun readBytes(in handle: dev, in ref u8: buf, in ref u32: len)(out u32: read)
# Flushes the buffers of the I/O resource specified by `dev`
# -- Implementation note
# On Linux this will use the fsync function
# On Windows this will use the FlushFileBuffers function
fun flush(in handle: dev)