import subprocess import sys import logging from logging import info, error import os BIN_DIR = "bin/tests/ast/" def run_check_build_tree(): info("started check tree build...") p = + "build_tree", capture_output=True, text=True) info("checking exit code...") # check exit code assert p.returncode == 0 def run_check_print_node(): info("started check node print...") p = + "print_node", capture_output=True, text=True) info("checking exit code...") # check exit code assert p.returncode == 0 assert """0 stmt 1 module 2 expr 3 value 4 value 5 value 6 while 7 if 8 else if 9 else 10 condition 11 decl 12 assign 13 def 14 value 15 + 16 - 17 * 18 / 19 & 20 | 21 ^ 22 ! 23 && 24 || 25 ^^ 26 !! 27 == 28 > 29 < 30 cast 31 as 32 value 33 value 34 typedef 35 box 36 fun 37 value """ == p.stdout def run_check_print_graphviz(): info("started check print graphviz...") info("creating temporary folder...") if not os.path.exists("tmp"): os.mkdir("tmp") info("cleaning temporary folder...") if os.path.exists("tmp/graph.gv"): os.remove("tmp/graph.gv") if os.path.exists("tmp/graph.svg"): os.remove("tmp/graph.svg") p = + "print_graphviz", capture_output=True, text=True) info("checking exit code...") # check exit code assert p.returncode == 0 info("converting gv to svg...") p =["dot", "-Tsvg", "tmp/graph.gv", "-otmp/graph.svg"]) info("checking exit code...") assert p.returncode == 0 info("checking svg output...") with open("tmp/graph.svg", "r") as file: string = "".join(file.readlines()) assert "2.3" in string assert "0.79" in string assert "stmt" in string assert "if" in string if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) target = sys.argv[1] info(f"starting ast test suite with target: {target}") match target: case "check_build_tree": run_check_build_tree() case "check_print_node": run_check_print_node() case "check_print_graphviz": run_check_print_graphviz() case _: error(f"unknown target: {target}") exit(1)