added scope

This commit is contained in:
Sven Vogel 2024-05-21 00:17:11 +02:00
parent b6a5ee0ad6
commit 17e2cd7110
10 changed files with 367 additions and 86 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "ast/ast.h"
#include "llvm/types/scope.h"
#include <llvm/function/function.h>
#include <llvm/types/type.h>
#include <string.h>
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ static enum IO_Qualifier_t io_qualifier_from_ast_list(const AST_NODE_PTR node) {
return qualifier;
GemstoneParam param_from_ast(const AST_NODE_PTR node) {
GemstoneParam param_from_ast(const TypeScopeRef scope, const AST_NODE_PTR node) {
GemstoneParam param;
// node is expected to be a parameter
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ GemstoneParam param_from_ast(const AST_NODE_PTR node) {
AST_NODE_PTR param_decl = AST_get_node(node, 1);
AST_NODE_PTR param_type = AST_get_node(param_decl, 0);
param.typename = get_type_from_ast(param_type);
param.typename = get_type_from_ast(scope, param_type); = AST_get_node(param_decl, 1)->value;
return param;

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ enum IO_Qualifier_t {
typedef struct GemstoneParam_t {
const char* name;
enum IO_Qualifier_t qualifier;
GemstoneType typename;
GemstoneTypeRef typename;
} GemstoneParam;
typedef struct GemstoneFun_t {
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ typedef struct GemstoneFun_t {
* @param node the node starting a function parameter
* @return GemstoneParam
GemstoneParam param_from_ast(const AST_NODE_PTR node);
GemstoneParam param_from_ast(const TypeScopeRef scope, const AST_NODE_PTR node);
* @brief Convert an AST node into a function
@ -37,6 +37,6 @@ GemstoneParam param_from_ast(const AST_NODE_PTR node);
* @param node the node starting a function
* @return GemstoneFun
GemstoneFun fun_from_ast(const AST_NODE_PTR node);
GemstoneFun fun_from_ast(const TypeScopeRef scope, const AST_NODE_PTR node);
#endif // LLVM_FUNCTION_H_

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#define BITS_PER_BYTE 8
enum Sign_t {
Signed = 1,
Unsigned = -1
enum Scale_t {
ATOM = 1,
HALF = 2,
QUAD = 16,
OCTO = 32
enum Primitive_t {
typedef struct CompositeType_t {
enum Sign_t sign;
enum Scale_t scale;
enum Primitive_t prim;
} Composite;
typedef struct CompositeType_t* CompositeRef;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
#include "llvm/types/composite-types.h"
#include "llvm/types/scope.h"
#include "llvm/types/structs.h"
#include <llvm/types/composite.h>
#include <string.h>
@ -46,8 +49,8 @@ double get_scale_factor(const char* keyword) {
PANIC("invalid scale factor: %s", keyword);
enum Scale_t collapse_scale_list(const AST_NODE_PTR list) {
double sum = 1.0;
enum Scale_t collapse_scale_list(const AST_NODE_PTR list, double base) {
double sum = base;
for (size_t i = 0; i < list->child_count; i++) {
AST_NODE_PTR scale = AST_get_node(list, i);
@ -84,27 +87,49 @@ static enum Primitive_t resolve_primitive(const char* typename) {
return Int;
struct CompositeType_t ast_type_to_composite(AST_NODE_PTR type) {
struct CompositeType_t ast_type_to_composite(const TypeScopeRef scope, AST_NODE_PTR type) {
size_t count = type->child_count;
struct CompositeType_t composite; = NULL;
composite.prim = Int;
composite.scale = SINGLE;
composite.sign = Signed;
if (count == 1) {
const char* typename = AST_get_node(type, 0)->value;
GemstoneTypedefRef known_type = type_scope_get_type_from_name(scope, typename);
if (known_type == NULL) {
// only other type given
composite.prim = resolve_primitive(AST_get_node(type, 0)->value);
composite.prim = resolve_primitive(typename);
} else if (known_type->type->kind == TypeComposite) {
return known_type->type->specs.composite;
} else {
PANIC("not a composite");
} else if (count == 2) {
// either scale and type
// or sign and type
AST_NODE_PTR first_child = AST_get_node(type, 0);
const char* typename = AST_get_node(type, 1)->value;
GemstoneTypedefRef known_type = type_scope_get_type_from_name(scope, typename);
if (known_type == NULL) {
// only other type given
composite.prim = resolve_primitive(typename);
} else if (known_type->type->kind == TypeComposite) {
composite.prim = known_type->type->specs.composite.prim;
composite.scale = known_type->type->specs.composite.scale;
composite.sign = known_type->type->specs.composite.sign;
} else {
PANIC("not a composite");
switch (first_child->kind) {
case AST_List:
composite.scale = collapse_scale_list(first_child);
composite.scale = collapse_scale_list(first_child, (double) composite.scale);
case AST_Sign:
composite.sign = string_to_sign(first_child->value);
@ -113,12 +138,24 @@ struct CompositeType_t ast_type_to_composite(AST_NODE_PTR type) {
PANIC("unexpected node kind: %s", AST_node_to_string(first_child));
composite.prim = resolve_primitive(AST_get_node(type, 1)->value);
} else if (count == 3) {
const char* typename = AST_get_node(type, 3)->value;
GemstoneTypedefRef known_type = type_scope_get_type_from_name(scope, typename);
if (known_type == NULL) {
// only other type given
composite.prim = resolve_primitive(typename);
} else if (known_type->type->kind == TypeComposite) {
composite.prim = known_type->type->specs.composite.prim;
composite.scale = known_type->type->specs.composite.scale;
composite.sign = known_type->type->specs.composite.sign;
} else {
PANIC("not a composite");
// sign, scale and type
composite.sign = string_to_sign(AST_get_node(type, 0)->value);
composite.scale = collapse_scale_list(AST_get_node(type, 0));
composite.scale = collapse_scale_list(AST_get_node(type, 1), (double) composite.scale);
composite.prim = resolve_primitive(AST_get_node(type, 2)->value);

View File

@ -6,48 +6,13 @@
#include <sys/log.h>
#include <llvm-c/Core.h>
#include <llvm-c/Types.h>
#define BITS_PER_BYTE 8
enum Sign_t {
enum Scale_t {
ATOM = 1,
HALF = 2,
QUAD = 16,
OCTO = 32
enum Primitive_t {
typedef struct CompositeType_t {
const char* name;
enum Sign_t sign;
enum Scale_t scale;
enum Primitive_t prim;
} Composite;
typedef struct TypeScope_t {
// vector of composite data types
Composite* composites;
size_t composite_len;
size_t composite_cap;
} TypeScope;
typedef struct CompositeType_t* CompositeRef;
#include <llvm/types/composite-types.h>
#include <llvm/types/scope.h>
LLVMTypeRef llvm_type_from_composite(LLVMContextRef context, const CompositeRef composite);
struct CompositeType_t ast_type_to_composite(AST_NODE_PTR type);
struct CompositeType_t ast_type_to_composite(const TypeScopeRef scope, AST_NODE_PTR type);
#endif // LLVM_TYPE_H_

src/llvm/types/scope.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
#include <llvm/types/type.h>
#include <llvm/types/scope.h>
#include <string.h>
struct TypeScope_t {
GArray* types;
GArray* scopes;
TypeScopeRef parent;
TypeScopeRef type_scope_new() {
TypeScopeRef scope = malloc(sizeof(TypeScope));
// neither zero termination no initialisazion to zero needed
scope->scopes = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(TypeScopeRef));
scope->types = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(GemstoneTypedefRef));
scope->parent = NULL;
return scope;
void type_scope_append_type(TypeScopeRef scope, GemstoneTypedefRef type) {
g_array_append_val(scope->types, type);
void type_scope_append_scope(TypeScopeRef scope, TypeScopeRef child_scope) {
g_array_append_val(scope->scopes, child_scope);
child_scope->parent = scope;
GemstoneTypedefRef type_scope_get_type(TypeScopeRef scope, size_t index) {
return ((GemstoneTypedefRef*) scope->types->data)[index];
size_t type_scope_types_len(TypeScopeRef scope) {
return scope->types->len;
size_t type_scope_scopes_len(TypeScopeRef scope) {
return scope->scopes->len;
GemstoneTypedefRef type_scope_get_type_from_name(TypeScopeRef scope, const char* name) {
for (guint i = 0; i < scope->types->len; i++) {
GemstoneTypedefRef typeref = ((GemstoneTypedefRef*) scope->types->data)[i];
if (strcmp(typeref->name, name) == 0) {
return typeref;
if (scope->parent == NULL) {
return NULL;
return type_scope_get_type_from_name(scope->parent, name);
void type_scope_delete(TypeScopeRef scope) {
for (guint i = 0; i < scope->scopes->len; i++) {
TypeScopeRef scoperef = ((TypeScopeRef*) scope->scopes->data)[i];
for (guint i = 0; i < scope->types->len; i++) {
// TODO: free gemstone type
g_array_free(scope->scopes, TRUE);
g_array_free(scope->types, TRUE);

src/llvm/types/scope.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#include <glib.h>
#include <llvm/types/structs.h>
typedef struct TypeScope_t TypeScope;
typedef TypeScope* TypeScopeRef;
* @brief Allocate a new type scope
* @return TypeScopeRef
[[nodiscard("heap allocation")]]
TypeScopeRef type_scope_new();
* @brief Add a new type to this scope
* @param scope
* @param type
void type_scope_append_type(TypeScopeRef scope, GemstoneTypedefRef type);
* @brief Add a new child scope to this scope
* @param scope
* @param child_scope
[[gnu::nonnull(1), gnu::nonnull(2)]]
void type_scope_append_scope(TypeScopeRef scope, TypeScopeRef child_scope);
* @brief Get the type at the specified index in this scope level
* @param scope
* @param indx
GemstoneTypedefRef type_scope_get_type(TypeScopeRef scope, size_t indx);
* @brief Get the number of types in this scope level
* @param scope
* @return size_t
size_t type_scope_types_len(TypeScopeRef scope);
* @brief Get the number of child scopes
* @param scope
* @return size_t
size_t type_scope_scopes_len(TypeScopeRef scope);
* @brief Return a type inside this scope which matches the given name.
* @attention Returns NULL if no type by this name is found.
* @param name
* @return GemstoneTypedefRef
GemstoneTypedefRef type_scope_get_type_from_name(TypeScopeRef scope, const char* name);
* @brief Delete the scope. Deallocates all child scopes
* @param scope
void type_scope_delete(TypeScopeRef scope);
#endif // LLVM_TYPE_SCOPE_H_

src/llvm/types/structs.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#include <llvm/types/composite-types.h>
enum GemstoneTypeKind_t {
struct GemstoneType_t;
typedef struct GemstoneRefType_t {
struct GemstoneType_t* type;
} GemstoneRefType;
typedef struct GemstoneType_t {
enum GemstoneTypeKind_t kind;
union GemstoneTypeSpecs_t {
Composite composite;
GemstoneRefType reference;
} specs;
} GemstoneType;
typedef GemstoneType* GemstoneTypeRef;
typedef struct GemstoneTypedef_t {
const char* name;
GemstoneTypeRef type;
} GemstoneTypedef;
typedef GemstoneTypedef* GemstoneTypedefRef;

View File

@ -1,23 +1,73 @@
#include "llvm/types/structs.h"
#include <llvm/types/scope.h>
#include <llvm/types/composite.h>
#include <ast/ast.h>
#include <llvm/types/type.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
GemstoneType get_type_from_ast(const AST_NODE_PTR type_node) {
GemstoneTypeRef get_type_from_ast(const TypeScopeRef scope, const AST_NODE_PTR type_node) {
if (type_node->kind != AST_Type) {
PANIC("Node must be of type AST_Type: %s", AST_node_to_string(type_node));
GemstoneType type;
GemstoneTypeRef type = malloc(sizeof(GemstoneType));
if (type_node->child_count > 1) {
// must be composite
type.kind = TypeComposite;
type.specs.composite = ast_type_to_composite(type_node);
type->kind = TypeComposite;
type->specs.composite = ast_type_to_composite(scope, type_node);
} else {
// either custom type or box
// TODO: resolve concrete type from TypeScope
GemstoneTypedefRef resolved_type = type_scope_get_type_from_name(scope, AST_get_node(type_node, 0)->value);
if (resolved_type == NULL) {
type->kind = TypeComposite;
type->specs.composite = ast_type_to_composite(scope, type_node);
} else {
type = resolved_type->type;
return type;
GemstoneTypedefRef new_typedefref(GemstoneTypeRef type, const char* name) {
GemstoneTypedefRef typedefref = malloc(sizeof(GemstoneTypedef));
typedefref->name = name;
typedefref->type = type;
return typedefref;
void delete_type(GemstoneTypeRef typeref) {
switch(typeref->kind) {
case TypeReference:
case TypeComposite:
case TypeBox:
void delete_typedefref(GemstoneTypedefRef ref) {
GemstoneTypedefRef get_type_def_from_ast(const TypeScopeRef scope, const AST_NODE_PTR typdef) {
if (typdef->kind != AST_Typedef) {
PANIC("node must be of type AST_Typedef");
GemstoneTypeRef type = get_type_from_ast(scope, AST_get_node(typdef, 0));
const char* name = AST_get_node(typdef, 1)->value;
return new_typedefref(type, name);

View File

@ -4,33 +4,8 @@
#include <ast/ast.h>
#include <llvm/types/composite.h>
enum GemstoneTypeKind_t {
struct GemstoneType_t;
typedef struct GemstoneRefType_t {
struct GemstoneType_t* type;
} GemstoneRefType;
typedef struct GemstoneType_t {
enum GemstoneTypeKind_t kind;
union GemstoneTypeSpecs_t {
Composite composite;
GemstoneRefType reference;
} specs;
} GemstoneType;
struct TypeScope_t;
typedef struct TypeScope_t {
// TODO: array of child scopes
// TODO: array of types
} TypeScope;
#include <llvm/types/structs.h>
#include <llvm/types/scope.h>
* @brief Convert a type declaration into a concrete type.
@ -38,6 +13,30 @@ typedef struct TypeScope_t {
* @param type A type declaration (either identifier or composite)
* @return GemstoneType
GemstoneType get_type_from_ast(const AST_NODE_PTR type);
GemstoneTypeRef get_type_from_ast(const TypeScopeRef scope, const AST_NODE_PTR type);
* @brief Convert the type definition AST into a typedef reference
* @param typdef
* @return GemstoneTypedefRef
GemstoneTypedefRef get_type_def_from_ast(const TypeScopeRef scope, const AST_NODE_PTR typdef);
* @brief Create an new typedefine reference
* @param type
* @param name
* @return GemstoneTypedefRef
GemstoneTypedefRef new_typedefref(GemstoneTypeRef type, const char* name);
* @brief Free the type definition reference and its underlying type
* @param ref
void delete_typedefref(GemstoneTypedefRef ref);
#endif // GEMSTONE_TYPE_H_