64 lines
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64 lines
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// .--------------------------------------------------------------------------.
// | Confidentiality Statement |
// '--------------------------------------------------------------------------'
// Author: Sven Vogel
// Edited: 28.06.2024
// License: MIT
#let new_confidentiality_statement_page(config) = (
context {
pagebreak(weak: true)
let thesis = config.thesis
if text.lang == "de" [
#heading(level: 1, "Sperrvermerk")
] else if text.lang == "en" [
#heading(level: 1, "Confidentiality Statement")
if text.lang == "de" [
Der Inhalt dieser Arbeit mit dem Thema
] else if text.lang == "en" [
The content of this work with the topic
set align(center)
text(weight: "bold", thesis.title)
if thesis.subtitle != none {
set align(left)
set par(justify: true)
if text.lang == "de" [
darf weder als Ganzes noch in Auszügen Personen außerhalb des Prüfungsprozesses und des Evaluationsverfahrens zugänglich gemacht werden, sofern keine anderslautende Genehmigung der Ausbildungsstätte vorliegt.
] else if text.lang == "en" [
may not be made accessible to persons outside the examination process and the evaluation procedure, either as a whole or in excerpts, unless otherwise authorized by the training institution.
set align(horizon)
// set width of columns
// we need two, so make both half the page width
columns: (50%, 50%),
row-gutter: 0.75em,
align(left, {line(length: 6cm)}),
align(left, {line(length: 6cm)}),
align(left, if text.lang == "de" [ Ort, Datum ] else if text.lang == "en" [ Place, Date ] else { panic("no translation for language: ", text.lang) }),
align(left, if text.lang == "de" [ Unterschrift ] else if text.lang == "en" [ Signature ] else { panic("no translation for language: ", text.lang) }))