#!/bin/bash function log() { local timestamp=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") echo "$1 at $timestamp: $2" } function abort() { log "ERROR" "test case $1 has failed" exit 1 } function print-box() { printf "\\n" echo ".----------------------------------------------------------------." printf "| %-62s |\\n" "$1" echo "'----------------------------------------------------------------'" } function enter-section() { print-box "$1" log "INFO" "running task in section $1: $2" log "INFO" "section output following..." printf "\\n" eval "$2" exit_status=$? if [ "$3" == "should fail" ]; then log "INFO" "expected to fail..." if [ $exit_status -eq 0 ]; then abort "command: $2 failed in section: $1 with: $exit_status" fi else log "INFO" "expected to pass..." if [ ! $exit_status -eq 0 ]; then abort "command: $2 failed in section: $1 with: $exit_status" fi fi printf "\\n" log "INFO" "section $1 completed successfully" } enter-section "Typstyle checking" "./run-fmt.sh --check src/lib.typ" 0 enter-section "Compiling template..." "typst compile template/main.typ --root . example.pdf" enter-section "TEST: local template import" "typst compile tests/local-import/main.typ --root ." enter-section "TEST: invalid config case 1" "typst compile tests/invalid-config/test-case-1.typ --root ." "should fail" enter-section "TEST: invalid config case 2" "typst compile tests/invalid-config/test-case-2.typ --root ." enter-section "TEST: invalid config case 3" "typst compile tests/invalid-config/test-case-3.typ --root ." "should fail" log "INFO" "CI completed successfully"