#import "../src/lib.typ": * #import "glossary.typ": glossary #import "abstract.typ": abstract, summary #show: dhbw-template.with(( lang: "en", region: "en", author: ( name: "Sven Vogel", semester: 4, program: "Informationtechnology", course: "TINF19IT1", faculty: "Technik", university: "DHBW Mannheim", company: "ABB AG", supervisor: "Benny Goodman", matriculation-number: 123456789), thesis: ( title: "Unofficial ABB/DHBW Typst template", subtitle: "for reports and thesises", submission-date: "23rd march 2020", timeframe: "1st january 2020 - 20th march 2020", kind: "T2000", summary: summary, abstract: abstract, preface: include "preface.typ", keywords: ( "IT", "other stuff" ), bibliography: bibliography("refs.bib"), glossary: glossary, appendices: include "appendix.typ"))) #import "@preview/wrap-it:0.1.0": wrap-content = Lorem Ipsum #text(fill: ABB-RED, "Hello ABB branding") #lorem(25) @oidc #lorem(100) @Anhang-A == Lorem Ipsum 2 #lorem(200) @einstein = Lorem Ipsum 3 #lorem(15) $ angle.l a, b angle.r &= arrow(a) dot arrow(b) \ &= a_1 b_1 + a_2 b_2 + ... a_n b_n \ &= sum_(i=1)^n a_i b_i. $ #lorem(140) #wrap-content( figure(image("assets/digitaldog.jpg", width: 200pt), caption: [ Some image caption ]), lorem(200)) #figure( table( columns: 3, table.header[Date][Exercise Type][Calories Burned], [2023-03-15], [Swimming], [400], [2023-03-17], [Weightlifting], [250], [2023-03-18], [Yoga], [200]), caption: [ Some table ]) #pagebreak() #figure( ```rust use std::env; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::io::Write; fn main() { // Get the file path from the environment variable let file_path = match env::var("OUTPUT_FILE") { Ok(path) => path, Err(_) => { eprintln!("Error: OUTPUT_FILE environment variable is not set"); return; } }; // Open the file in append mode, create it if it doesn't exist let mut file = match OpenOptions::new() .append(true) .create(true) .open(&file_path) { Ok(file) => file, Err(e) => { eprintln!("Error opening file {}: {}", file_path, e); return; } }; // Write "Hello, World" to the file if let Err(e) = writeln!(file, "Hello, World") { eprintln!("Error writing to file: {}", e); } else { println!("Successfully appended 'Hello, World' to {}", file_path); } } ```, caption: [Some code]) = Conclusion #lorem(320)