// .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. // | Template of DHBW thesis | // '--------------------------------------------------------------------------' // Author: Sven Vogel // Edited: 27.06.2024 // License: MIT #import "conf.typ": validate-config #import "branding.typ": * #import "style.typ": global_styled_doc, content_styled, end_styled #import "pages/titlepage.typ": new_title_page #import "pages/declaration-of-authorship.typ": new_declaration_of_authorship #import "pages/confidentiality-statement.typ": new_confidentiality_statement_page #import "pages/prerelease-note.typ": new_prerelease_note #import "pages/outline.typ": new_outline #import "pages/abstract.typ": new_abstract #import "pages/preface.typ": new-preface #import "pages/appendix.typ": show-appendix // start of template pages and styles #let dhbw-template(config, body) = [ #let config = validate-config(config) #let doc = body // apply global style to every element in the argument content #global_styled_doc(config)[ // set document properties #set document( author: config.author.name, keywords: config.thesis.keywords, title: config.thesis.title) // configure text locale #set text( lang: config.lang, region: config.region) // preppend title page #new_title_page(config) // prelude includes: title, declaration of authorship, confidentiality statement, outline and abstract // these will have roman page numbers #new_declaration_of_authorship(config) #new_confidentiality_statement_page(config) #if config.draft { new_prerelease_note(config) } #new_abstract(config) #new-preface(config) #new_outline() // glossary is built inline here because the links must be // exposed to the entire document #import "@preview/glossarium:0.4.1": make-glossary, print-glossary #show: make-glossary #pagebreak(weak: true) #if "glossary" in config.thesis and config.thesis.glossary != none { heading(supplement: [outline], "Glossar") print-glossary(config.thesis.glossary) pagebreak(weak: true) } #counter(page).update(1) // mark end of prelude #metadata("prelude terminate") #content_styled(config, doc) #metadata("content terminate") #end_styled(config)[ // add bibliography if set #if "bibliography" in config.thesis and config.thesis.bibliography != none { pagebreak(weak: true) counter(page).update(1) set bibliography(style: "ieee") config.thesis.bibliography } // appendix #show-appendix(config: config) ] ] ]