Compare commits


No commits in common. "acb5c8027c68a1558bb3bed011c150bf8c0e7010" and "208357eeb164241e9a59218cf3961af053fb8ff0" have entirely different histories.

10 changed files with 66 additions and 80 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ function format() {
exit 1
local imports=$(rg "#import \"([a-z0-9/\-.]+\.typ)\"" -Nor '$1' "$1")
local imports=$(rg "#import \"([a-z0-9/\-]+\.typ)\"" -Nor '$1' "$1")
# format all included files
while IFS= read -r line; do
@ -26,16 +26,6 @@ function format() {
format "$wd/$line" "$2"
done <<< "$imports"
local includes=$(rg "#import \"([a-z0-9/\-.]+\.typ)\"" -Nor '$1' "$1")
# format all included files
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [ -z "$line" ]; then
format "$wd/$line" "$2"
done <<< "$includes"
case $1 in

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
nixpkgs = fetchTarball "";
nixpkgs = fetchTarball "";
pkgs = import nixpkgs { config = {}; overlays = []; };

View File

@ -11,75 +11,64 @@
// default configuration
#let default-config = (
// language settings used to make decisions about hyphenation and others
lang: "en", // ISO 3166 language code of text: "de", "en"
region: "en", // region code
// mark this thesis as draft
// Adds preleminarry note page and watermark
draft: true,
// information about author(s)
university: (
program: "Informationtechnology",
faculty: "Technik",
name: "dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg",
campus: "Eppelheim",
supervisor-signature: false,
authors: ((), ()),
// information about thesis
thesis: (
title: "Unofficial ABB/DHBW Typst template",
subtitle: "for reports and thesises", // subtitle may be none
submission-date: "23rd march 2020",
timeframe: "1st january 2020 - 20th march 2020",
kind: "T2000",
// translated version of abstract, only used in case language is not english
summary: none,
abstract: none,
preface: none,
keywords: ("IT", "other stuff"),
bibliography: none, /* bibliography("refs.bib") */
glossary: none,
appendices: none,
style: (
header: (
content-padding: 1.5em,
underline-top-padding: 0pt,
logo-height: 5em,
logo-image: "res/ABB.svg",
// language settings used to make decisions about hyphenation and others
lang: "en", // ISO 3166 language code of text: "de", "en"
region: "en", // region code
// mark this thesis as draft
// Adds preleminarry note page and watermark
draft: true,
// information about author(s)
university: (
program: "Informationtechnology",
faculty: "Technik",
name: "dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg",
campus: "Eppelheim"
footer: (
content-padding: 1.5em,
page: (
format: "a4",
margin: (
left: 3cm,
right: 2.5cm,
top: 2.5cm,
bottom: 2.5cm,
text: (
size: 12pt,
font: "Fira Sans",
heading: (
font: "Fira Sans",
code: (
theme: "res/abb.tmTheme",
font: "FiraCode Nerd Font",
lines: false,
size: 10pt,
tab-size: 4,
link: (
color: ABB-GRAY-02,
supervisor-signature: false,
authors: ((),()),
// information about thesis
thesis: (
title: "Unofficial ABB/DHBW Typst template",
subtitle: "for reports and thesises", // subtitle may be none
submission-date: "23rd march 2020",
timeframe: "1st january 2020 - 20th march 2020",
kind: "T2000",
// translated version of abstract, only used in case language is not english
summary: none,
abstract: none,
preface: none,
keywords: ( "IT", "other stuff" ),
bibliography: none /* bibliography("refs.bib") */,
glossary: none,
appendices: none),
style: (
header: (
content-padding: 1.5em,
underline-top-padding: 0pt,
logo-height: 5em,
logo-image: "res/ABB.svg"),
footer: (
content-padding: 1.5em),
page: (
format: "a4",
margin: (
left: 3cm,
right: 2.5cm,
top: 2.5cm,
bottom: 2.5cm)),
text: (
size: 12pt,
font: "Fira Sans"),
heading: (
font: "Fira Sans"),
code: (
theme: "res/abb.tmTheme",
font: "FiraCode Nerd Font",
lines: false,
size: 10pt,
tab-size: 4),
link: (
color: ABB-GRAY-02)))
// Insert a dictionary `update` into `base` but only the entries of update that also exist in base
// Runs recursively on all sub dictionaries

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
// License: MIT
#let glossary(entries, config) = {
type(entries) == dictionary,
message: "The glossary is not a dictionary",

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#let new_abstract(config) = (
context {
set align(center + horizon)
// only include summary when a language other than english is used

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#let new_confidentiality_statement_page(config) = (
context {
pagebreak(weak: true)
let thesis = config.thesis

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#let new_declaration_of_authorship(config) = (
context {
pagebreak(weak: true)
let thesis = config.thesis

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
// NOTE: will not render in case the listing is empty
#let render_filtered_outline(title: str, kind: selector) = (
context {
let elems = query(figure.where(kind: kind))
let count = elems.len()

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#let new_prerelease_note(config) = (
context {
pagebreak(weak: true)
let thesis = config.thesis

View File

@ -296,6 +296,7 @@
if current-page == 1 {
// logo moved to content
} else if query(<end-of-content>)