docs: update default configuration in README (#70)

This commit is contained in:
Sven Vogel 2024-11-19 12:20:23 +01:00
parent ff406271fa
commit 14dd8ab115
1 changed files with 64 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -75,31 +75,78 @@ The default configuration can be found in `src/conf.typ`.
#import "src/lib.typ": * #import "src/lib.typ": *
#show: dhbw-template.with(( #show: dhbw-template.with((
lang: "en", // language settings used to make decisions about hyphenation and others
region: "en", lang: "en", // ISO 3166 language code of text: "de", "en"
author: ( region: "en", // region code
name: "Sven Vogel", // mark this thesis as draft
semester: 4, // Adds preleminarry note page and watermark
draft: true,
// information about author(s)
university: (
program: "Informationtechnology", program: "Informationtechnology",
course: "TINF19IT1",
faculty: "Technik", faculty: "Technik",
university: "DHBW Mannheim", name: "dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg",
campus: "Eppelheim"
authors: (
name: "Sven Vogel",
course: "TINF19IT1",
company: "ABB AG", company: "ABB AG",
supervisor: "Benny Goodman", supervisor: "Benny Goodman",
matriculation-number: 123456789), matriculation-number: 123456789
name: "Kurt Jammer",
course: "TINF24AI2",
company: "Siemens",
supervisor: "Henry Badman",
matriculation-number: 478568763
// information about thesis
thesis: ( thesis: (
title: "Unofficial ABB/DHBW Typst template", title: "Unofficial ABB/DHBW Typst template",
subtitle: "for reports and thesises", subtitle: "for reports and thesises", // subtitle may be none
submission-date: "23rd march 2020", submission-date: "23rd march 2020",
timeframe: "1st january 2020 - 20th march 2020", timeframe: "1st january 2020 - 20th march 2020",
kind: "T2000", kind: "T2000",
summary: summary, // translated version of abstract, only used in case language is not english
abstract: abstract, summary: none,
preface: include "preface.typ", abstract: none,
preface: none,
keywords: ( "IT", "other stuff" ), keywords: ( "IT", "other stuff" ),
bibliography: bibliography("refs.bib"), bibliography: none /* bibliography("refs.bib") */,
glossary: yaml("glossary.yml"), glossary: none,
appendices: include "appendix.typ"))) appendices: none),
style: (
header: (
content-padding: 1.5em,
underline-top-padding: 0pt,
logo-height: 5em,
logo-image: "res/ABB.svg"),
footer: (
content-padding: 1.5em),
page: (
format: "a4",
margin: (
left: 3cm,
right: 2.5cm,
top: 2.5cm,
bottom: 2.5cm)),
text: (
size: 12pt,
font: "Fira Sans"),
heading: (
font: "Fira Sans"),
code: (
theme: "res/abb.tmTheme",
font: "FiraCode Nerd Font",
lines: false,
size: 10pt,
tab-size: 4),
link: (
color: ABB-GRAY-02)))
// Your document code goes here! // Your document code goes here!