# Praxisbericht-Template Latex template for writing practial exams and reports for DHBW and ABB with TexLive. ## Structure The template is structured in the following way: Every logical part of the code is contained within a specific directory. The file `main.tex` is the root of the document and is not meant to be modified execpt for adding new packages to be used. The directories are as follows: | Direcory | Contents | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | chapter | Holds every chapter page of the report. These pages are to be created by the author on demand. | | config | Holds configuration files for metadata about the author, company and topic covered. The data specified will be used automatically throughout the entire document. | | extra | Extra files for utilities and applied fixes | | multimedia | Stores multimedia files used in the document such als images, videos and pdf files | | pages | these are the abstract layout pages of the document are not to be altered | Acronyms are defined in the file `acros.tex`. Likewise, glossaries are all defined in `glossary.tex`. ## Build The project is intended to be build by TexLive through the use of latexmk. This is why there is a custom `.latexmkrc` file specified to keep the build process clean.