% ===================================================================== % Bilbiography referecnes must be put into refs.bib % % -------------------------------------------------------- % Reference a book: % % @book{reference-name, % author = {Donald E. Knuth}, % year = {1986}, % title = {The Book}, % publisher = {Addison-Wesley Professional} % edition = {2} % } % % -------------------------------------------------------- % Reference an article: % % @article{reference-name, % title = {Literate Programming}, % author = {Donald E. Knuth}, % journal = {The Computer Journal}, % volume = {27}, % number = {2}, % pages = {97--111}, % year = {1984}, % publisher = {Oxford University Press} % } % % -------------------------------------------------------- % For citing a certain reference within the document use: % \cite{reference-name} \cleardoublepage % should start on new empty page \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Literatur} % add table of contents entry \bibliography{refs} % Entries are in the refs.bib file